Literary Perspective - Psychological Drama
October/12/2016 10:38 PM Filed: Literary Perspectives

Credit: Gabriel Gaston Context Croft
(Wikimedia Commons)
Psychological Drama
Imagination is a psychological distraction and a method of creation. When reality falls short of expectation, the inventive part of the intellect takes over and explores alternatives to this unacceptable situation. Some call it brainstorming, a developmental procedure that can be examined and displayed on a whiteboard. The mystery diminishes under sober scrutiny, but the art of creating can be taught. Few begin with a blank slate, which would be similar to starting with a blank mind. Every conceptualized scenario has its inherent makeup, just like a human is a complex network of genes.
An author uses this discovery process to write fiction. Within a distant realm of the brain is a womb where characters and settings are conceived. Psychological drama can be lighthearted or serious, depending on mood and temperament. Background, religion, and education contribute to the style and tone.
The merging of fantasy and reality is at the core of the paranormal story. Mass-market analysts assert that a story is purely entertainment. Readers of commercial fiction do not consult study guides to comprehend a hidden symbol, nor does a movie theater audience probe a film’s inner message. Being oblivious, however, does not mean the profound reason for creation is nonexistent. Differences exist in the quality of the finished work, but every writer redefined the world within a unique plot line.
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